If cats could give advice on how to maintain our mental balance

As a mediator, one can sometimes feel isolated, after all confidentiality comes first, there is no room to share your concerns. This is compounded by a relatively common negative atmosphere, as disagreements rarely tend to be positive.

Where can all this lead? In a long run, feeling unfocused, ungrounded, empty or despondent. And then we can say that our mental health has been shaken.

Is this necessary the case? Is this really the end of this profession? Is there a possibility of prevention? Let's see the cats! Why cats? Because they're pretty lonely such as mediators are, but they look always balanced. What is their secret?

Morning wake up always starts with stretching. Then there may come a little bit of licking, that's how they dress their best suiting outfit, adjust their hairstyle and correct their makeup. Have you ever seen a cat who had not been happy with its appearance? If we have already touched the outside, let's turn to the internal values as well. I bet you can't find any cat who wouldn't be satisfied with its inner values!

Now that we are beyond the first maximum five minutes of a cat's morning routine, when we have found that we are okay both inside and outside, we made a little morning exercise, we can move on to the most important topic of the day: eating. The owner has to give the food at the usual time, there is no escape! The daily routine can't be broken, their instinct work like the most punctual clock. If the cat has the freedom and can go and look around the neighbourhood, it will show up at the same time at each neighbour and play with the hunger-stricken, loving fluff-ball. They can starve to death, if we don't give them the highest quality food, what they demand. 

After strenuous activities, they always pay attention to get enough rest and sleep! It goes without saying that the cleanest, most comfortable corners of the apartment are singled out for the purpose, they have their own meditative places in the flat. Of course, if the cat has the opportunity to go out into the garden, it will surely pick out your most beautiful flower, lie down on it fully satisfied, immersed in the present moment, enjoying the sunlight, smelling the air, listening the sounds and reconnecting to nature. How do you feel about your beautiful flower? That's out of question, you are happy because your cute cat is having wonderful rest!

Is there any example that they are ready to give up their daily routine? Of course, if some special loot is in sight! But then they are persistent, all their nerves are tense and they are just focused on the goal. They are able to sit under a tree for 24 hours if, for example a mouse is hiding at the top of it. What if the mission fails? Nothing, time to relax! No reason to panic, next time will be better.

Even though they are terribly independent, it comes the moment when they desire company! What do they do? Nothing complicated. They just reach out the people whom they interested in and they simply express their emotions and needs. If you feel lonely, just do it like these fur balls, it's so simple and it works!

Not a day can pass without some fun and excitement: bug chasing, meditation in front of window, favourite plush boxing, the list varies by individual. They are always open to learning something new! If there's a button on the toy that dispenses food, takes only a second to learn and use it. A new item has arrived, head to explore! Life surrounds us with all curiosity, let's stay open, a little childish or cattishly curious!

If you say no to being unfocused, ungrounded, empty or despondent, than try the daily routine of cats: exercise, take care about your appearance, be satisfied with your inner values, eat regularly and seasonally, get enough rest and sleep, have your own meditative places, reconnect with nature, express your emotions and needs, have fun, explore, learn new things, be cattishly curious! 

Don't mind to learn from cats, prevent developing mental problems, even if it is a lot more complicated, as that a combination of factors, including genetic and environmental reasons.



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