Tourist Behavior and its Impact on Service Quality

The holidays are our precious times of the year. When it comes to planning our holiday we take into consideration all our dreams, needs and we try to find out the perfect match, the only limit is our budget. Tourism statistics shows that on our holidays we prefer to experience something different to our own culture. The reason behind is that if you live in cold, grey climates for most of the year and work hard at material pursuits as a release, they are periodically tempted to transfer to cultures, seduced by better climates, tastier food, exciting sounds and movement, lights, exquisite architecture, spectacular scenery and sensual environments. After destination is chosen, comes the excitement, the preparation period. So we often make efforts to learn some basic sentences to be able to communicate on our holiday with locals. But what about basic knowledge of local manners? According to psychologist Albert Mehrabian, of the total meaning of a spoken message, 7% comes from ...