SuperCamp: a win-win summer holiday solution with teens

The summer is knocking on the door and you still haven’t decided about your holiday. No worries, you aren’t the only one. I just found a promising solution which I decided to share with You. I took some time to do some research to plan a perfect holiday with teens. My entire life I have had the opportunity to find myself in this situation and thank God we managed well with our Goddaughter and nephew – They might be the first to have some input here, and I certainly hope that the feelings are mutual! So back to planning: Some teens get excited about family travel plans, while others roll their eyes. But don’t let that put you off going on holiday with them. And don’t for a moment think that they no longer want to go on holiday with you, they just don’t want to go on the same type of holiday you took them on when they were five. Even if you have enthusiastic teens who don’t mind separating from friends and Facebook, you’re likely to encounter impatience a...